Thursday 30 December 2010

No Os Rindáis Nunca! Do Not Ever Give Up!

I have this scroll with these words at the reception of my flat.  My wonderful friend, Anna Maria gave it to me years ago and it always takes pride of place in our home (regardless how often we move;o).
Every now and again I read these powerful words and recently I realized just how deeply its message/words resonate to my core. 
Not only regarding the message of peace, for me this message also speaks of my dreams and goals.  About growing into the responsible and powerful being I know I truly am, of achieving great things in life.  In fact whatever is important to you in life, don’t give up, hold it in your heart and mind and don’t give up.

Below are the words of wisdom in Spanish and English

Pase lo que pase
No os rindáis nucas
Expandid vuestro corazón
En vuestro país se gasta demasiada energía
Para desarrollar la mente y no el corazón
Desarrollar vuestro corazón
Sed compasivos
No sólo con vuestro amigos
Sino con todos
Sed compasivos
Trabajad para la paz
dentro de vuestro corazón y en el mundo
Trabajad para la paz
No abandonéis nunca
Sucede lo que suceda
No importa lo que ocurra a vuestro alrededor
No os rindáis

Su Santidad el XIV Dalai Lama


Whatever happens
Do not give up
Expand your heart
In your country you spend too much energy
to develop the mind and not the heart
Develop your heart
Be compassionate
Not just with your friends
but with everyone
Be compassionate
Work for peace
within your heart and in the world
Work for peace
And once more I tell you
Do not ever abandon this
Whatever happens
No matter what happens around you
Do not ever give up

His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama

May 2011 bring you all your heart and mind desire.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Responding to life!

Introducing a friend and business mentor of mine (and name sake) Yvette Ulloa.  This lady is truly an inspiration.  She is a enthusiastic and passionate student of life.  The lesson I learnt from a recent blog post was that whatever life brings me I have a choice of how I respond to it, feel about it a perceive it.  I'm loving this responsibility

Yvette Ulloa

Wednesday 10 November 2010

simple but not easy?

Well this week, my life has been dramatic.  I had to pull some stuff out of my magic bag! Think outside of the box! With each new problem in order to drown out the monkey mind I shouted "BE SOLUTION CONCIOUS WOMAN" Was it easy?  
Hell to the no! Was is simple? On reflection yes.  
Could I have avoided them?  Some of them definitely.  However some of them were just be what I call life challenges and they forced me to get creative.  I'm taking responsibility to be that higher she! but guess what?  Doest that mean I need to create my future? 
To be creative now in the moment? So in fact I need those challenges, lifes legitimate  challenges.  How simple is that? Is it easy? It can be!

"Everyone thinks that the principle thing to the tree is the fruit, but in point of fact the principle thing to it is the seed"
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Wednesday 3 November 2010

If we're not growing we're dying

As been an incredible time of learning and transformation. 
I've been to various personal development, wealth creation, breakthrough and business seminars as well as amazing company trainings. 

I've travelled to the USA, Mexico, Cyprus and the UK and made  many new friends and reconnected with old ones. One of the most powerful things is that when I started reading more personal development books and going to seminars I meet so many wonderfully like minded people on their own journeys.

I've always been pretty positive but its a whole different life experience when surrounded by people who are excited by  life, love to learn, grow and who feed me with tools and knowledge so I can continue to create my life by design.

"Don't wish for your problems to be smaller wish that you were better" Jim Rohn.
Here's some events links;

Sunday 3 October 2010

beautiful words of truth and inspiration

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,but that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. 
You are a creation. Your playing small does not serve the world, we were born to make manifest the glory of God within us,it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. 
As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberate's others.

Another must read that changed my thoughts

Thursday 16 September 2010

Well rested and ready to rock your world & mine;o)

Wednesday 15 September 2010

9 days without my wonderful son, been supa productive and a little nuts. Tonight out celebrating the lovely Donna's birthday and tomorrow cinema.
I am TOTALLY blessed;o)

Sunday 12 September 2010

books that moved she literally!

These books have really changed the way I see myself and others.  The way I treat myself and others.  They also reminded me of wisdom and knowledge that is already within.


Has I said on my first posting this year has been an amazing year of learning and personal growth for me.
I've realised how far I've come as a person and the unlimitedly possibilities there are for me in the wonderful place called earth.
So my blog is about me sharing some of the things I've learnt and the sources I'm learning them from.
Yesterday I was on a training run by an outstanding leader within my company.  He literally "took us to school".  I learnt a whole lot about how to run my business effectively and therefore successfully. Truly inspirational. Check him out:,

Here's to becoming the change you want to see.