Thursday 16 September 2010

Well rested and ready to rock your world & mine;o)

Wednesday 15 September 2010

9 days without my wonderful son, been supa productive and a little nuts. Tonight out celebrating the lovely Donna's birthday and tomorrow cinema.
I am TOTALLY blessed;o)

Sunday 12 September 2010

books that moved she literally!

These books have really changed the way I see myself and others.  The way I treat myself and others.  They also reminded me of wisdom and knowledge that is already within.


Has I said on my first posting this year has been an amazing year of learning and personal growth for me.
I've realised how far I've come as a person and the unlimitedly possibilities there are for me in the wonderful place called earth.
So my blog is about me sharing some of the things I've learnt and the sources I'm learning them from.
Yesterday I was on a training run by an outstanding leader within my company.  He literally "took us to school".  I learnt a whole lot about how to run my business effectively and therefore successfully. Truly inspirational. Check him out:,

Here's to becoming the change you want to see.