Thursday, 6 August 2020

If they don't get you SO WHAT!!!!

If you're doing something that everyone cheers for you, pats you on the back and supports you every step of the way hallelujah good for you.
What if that's not your reality? What if you chose a path that your family just doesn't get? 
A path that your friends roll their eyes at you when you even talk about it? What if your dream, your path, the thing that makes your heart sing, just doesn't make sense to your nearest and dearest?

How you respond to this depends on how badly you want to walk that path, which determines if you let other peoples opinions sway you from what you feel you're called to do.  Let's face it when you have a job it's enough (right, YEEAAHH!!!) you're employed, secure and that makes everyone feel comfortable.

However, choose to be an entrepreneur and my best advice to you is get used to clapping for yourself honey, 'cause there won't be many cheerleaders at this here game. 

I've been with a Network Marketing company now for 10 years. I love the products and services, I love the people I've connected with who are family to me and I've learnt to love the industry.
That, however, is not the attitude of many people outside of the industry and you really have to develop a thick skin and a strong WHY.

A strong WHY is the reason that you commit to do something , to build something. It helps you long after so called reality sets in and it's all much harder that you anticipated.

The incredible thing is there have been so many blessings, lessons and prizes along the way. Too many to go into right now.  One of the many prizes is a belief that I have in myself and why I do what I do and that I can trust in my knowledge that it is valuable for those who see the value, and if they don't it's all good. Adios amigo and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

This is not just about business, it's about life. Don't let other people piss on your parade because you're marching to music they don't like. Turn that shit up and keep marching.
I guarantee you that you will find your tribe, your crew, the people who get you.  Better than just get you these people will lift you up, help you climb to your next level and them being in your life will enhance it.

See, when we settle for conforming so that we fit in we miss out on a lot of experiences and moments that are only ours to create, we miss out on life. Don't ever be afraid to step out from the crowd.

Watch what everyone else is doing and do the exact opposite, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Until the next post/time Happy Growth Games.

Please leave comments below, share this post and most importantly enjoy!!!

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