Sunday, 7 August 2011

Know And Remember WHY!

Knowing and remembering why is one of the most important lessons I've learnt so far.

I had no idea how important it would be or how many times knowing why I want to achieve my goals would save me from ending up god knows where
Imagine you have a map of where you want to go but getting directions from your friend whose never been there mmmnnnnn

I've never lived my life as proactively or deliberately as I do now.
It's quite a rollercoster ride and I HATE rollercosters. Anything faster than a tea pot make me feel sick as a dog.

What does that mean anyway? Is a dog being sick the worst kinda sick a being can be? And who measured it anyway????!!!:P

So here and now, I'm creating my life by design, a higher me and financial freedom not just for myself but for my cub and my family. 

I want to rely on myself to be able to care for provide for ALL my cubs needs.   His health, education, fun, future and so much more.
I want to do that independently of my family or government assistance.
I want to leave a legacy of wealth creation and financial freedom for his children s children's children....
I want to be the great great grandmother that changes, transforms my families financial legacy.
I want to do what I want, with who I want, when I want and my choices never be limited by how much money we have or don't have.
I want to enjoy everything this amazing world has to offer.
I want to contribute towards making the kind of abundantly, blessed and prosperous world I want to live.

NEGATRONS: say whatever Evette, get a job, sort yourself out, stop dreaming those ridiculous dreams:(

EMPOWERTRONS: say AWESOME, remember those whys, make a plan, stick to the path, have a dream team, grow yourself, It's not easy but Its worth it:)

Now I spend pretty much everyday of every month with EMPOWERTRONS:). On the phone, in person, even on facebook.

When the going gets tough, sticky, icky, or just flipping scary,  I remember my WHYS.
I'm never gonna give up on my cub and my family so it energises me, gives me strength, makes me cry.

If your why don't make you cry, its not big enough. (Can't remember who said that, if you do leave a comment pls)

My mentor says people will always do more for other people than for themselves. Amazing! Beautiful too gives me hope for our human race:)

A speaker that inspires me when he talks about his why is Johnny Wimbrey.
Internationally renowned motivational speaker, mentored by Les Brown.

He has shared stages with Les Brown, Zig Ziggler, Jim Rohn and many other great speakers.

Johnny Wimbrey