Sunday, 25 October 2015

Mind Your Business

I'm a woman who's really easily distracted. On top of that I bought into the idea that women are great at multitasking. Don't even get me started on that one. That's another day, another chat.

SIDE NOTE: Nowadays I tend to do a task at a time and complete it. I find I'm more productive that way

Right now I'm a single mother. I run two businesses. I'm Co-chair of the PTA at my Cub's primary school. I volunteer with some amazing people to run personal development and business seminars. I'm an Ambassador for a company and it's incredible, (best on the market) training  programmes. When I can I do Capoeira. So obviously I have enough to do right? Agreed.
Sometimes I'm in the groove doing what I've gotta do. Prioritising my time, schedule and activities as well as Cub's very busy 8yr old social butterfly life.

Hold on! Like I said I'm easily distracted. So the phone rings I answer it and BAM!!!. Someone else's world, someone else's troubles and strife's.
I say all that to say this, "Evette Mind ya business"
I consider myself a good friend and a good listener. I like to help my friends find solutions to problems if I can.  

SIDE NOTE: Is it rude to say "I love you but you need to sort this one out yourself"?

Recently I got caught up in just that but just as I was in the middle of the WHOHA! I was reminded of a promise I made to myself and it was this. Do not spend your time energy or resources with, in or on people or situations that do not benefit my personal or business growth.
But easy to forget. The thing is as we get mixed up in other people business several things happen. We take away the opportunity for them to sort out or deal with what they have to deal with. 
We take time away from other things perhaps more important things that we could be focused on. 
We make the assumption that we need to be in their business because we're being helpful in someway.
So now my way of reminding myself to not get involved is to stay aware of the conversations and interactions I'm having And "mind my business"

Think about it if we all took the time to just take care of our own business and allow others to do the same what kind of impact would that have.

I'm not saying we can't discuss our problems or lend an ear to someone who needs us to listen. I'm just saying let the solution come from them. At the end of the day we all have instincts. We all have the answers. We just need to listen and take care of our own sh*t.
Just saying!!

Keep on growing!!! #learnsharegrow
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