Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Enjoy The Ride

We live in such goal driven times. So many of us are working towards a better something....
Better job, better relationship, better vision of yourself.  We're almost at that time of year where many of us question where we are, did we achieve what we wanted to achieve this year?  Some of us can't wait for 2015 to be over so we can get "It" right. Whatever "It" may be and whatever "Right" means to us.

SIDE NOTE! Not everyone is goal driven or even searching. Some of us are just living. Going with the flow. There's no right or wrong. There's just what you choose to be your truth.

Two things that got me thinking about enjoying the ride called Life.
Firstly a mentor of mine +Eric Gusevik talked to a small group of us at a seminar about some of his principles. If you know Eric you know him has Happy Happy Happy!! He lives his life that way. He always comes from a place of pure joy. He talked to us about how we can show up in the world with a smile. How we can spread joy and happiness. Of course life has it's challenges. What if you greeted those challenges with a smile?
I have a similar philosophy about freaking out. When challenges come (and they will) don't freak out. You can't think of solutions if you're freaking out. You can't accept help if you're freaking out. Lastly freaking out doesn't change anything for the better. It just leaves feeling awful right!?
So after hearing Eric speak I heard this song. Listen to the words!

What's my point?? Enjoy the Ride!! We get so caught up in life. I live in London, the City of Busy!
We work hard here. We're so busy, you have to make appointments to see your friends and loved ones and very often Life happens, Something comes up and you have to cancel or reschedule those appointments. We're so busy,   going, doing, living. Ask yourself "Am I enjoying the ride?" If the answer is no, ask yourself  this. What could you add or take out of your life so you can start enjoying the ride? This is the one life we have. I don't remember who said it but "This ain't no dress rehearsal". This is it, the one life, the one present. My wonderful Cub (my 8yr old boy) makes me belly laugh everyday. My incredible Mummy is my # 1 inspiration, my incredible friends that empower and celebrate me and I  Live in gratitude for my daily blessings. These are just some ways I'm enjoying this ride called life.
Enjoy The Ride!! 

Please leave comments below, share this post and most importantly enjoy!!! 

Keep on growing!!! #learnsharegrow