Side Note! I love those films. I think when or if my cub outgrows them, I'll watch them anyway. They often have some thought provoking and empowering messages hidden the tale.
That reference brings me to, a conversation I had yesterday with a friend. She's phenomenal lady. She's an author, coach, speaker, trainer and single mother of a teenage and a toddelr. I spin out just saying all that nevermind about living it. Anyway we were discussing the sacrifices we make sometimes. Times that we can't be with our children.
Times we have to be up early and up in the crazy hours in the morning. The thing is her vision for the life and legacy she creating with and on purpose is so huge, stopping is not an option. Distraction is not an option. Mediocrity is definitely not an option.
Building a foundation for greatness is hard. Being the best version of yourself is challenging. But growth and learning is so rewarding in my book. So what if it's not easy. I know just as my friend does that the work and the sacrifice and everything is a price worth paying for the life and legacy I'm creating, with and on purpose. So whenever life get rough, Just Keep Swimming! Swimming Swimming. Most importantly I think is to just enjoy the ride. But that's another topic right?!
Keep on growing!!! #learnsharegrow
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