I was very blessed to be brought up by my grandparents until the age of 9yrs old. So I had a very traditional Caribbean upbringing. Those raised that way know what I mean and everyone else, maybe I'll fill you in some other time ;-) My grandparents would always say things that at the time made no sense to me but as I got older the expressions all made more sense. I would find myself at random times understanding these expressions as the made sense in a particular situation. I could write a book I think called "things Grandma and Grandad used to say"
So the expression that's going round my head today is "What people think about you is none of your business".
That one was a puzzle for me for years. Of course they never come with an explanation. I guess that would defeat the point of figuring it out for yourself. But doesn't everyone like to be liked?
I had an interesting conversation with a friend as she relayed an incident between mutual friends who had a misunderstanding.
They decided that they couldn't stand each other. Even though they are both the sweetest people you'll ever meet.
The story got a bit playground, in the sense of "well! you don't like me so I don't like you either.
May I add that they are both GROWN people!
The thing that I kept wondering was, "so what if you don't like her and she doesn't like you?"
Aren't we big enough to take that on the chin now? I mean, you really have no control over whether someone likes you or not. At some point in life you have to decide that people need to take you or leave you as you are and be comfortable, even happy in that.
My mentor +Marc Accetta says "Whether you like me or not is your choice, whether you respect me or not is mine!" What does he mean by that? Well it's simple really, be a respectful person, a person of integrity among other things.
Marc is an very successful entrepreneur, international speaker and trainer. I feel so blessed to be learning from him.
So with +Marc Accetta as a mentor I've learnt too many things to share right now. What I will share tonight was a HUGE catalyst, that created a paradigm shift which changed my life. It's all about personalities. I took a very simple personality test. The point of this test was not to "find myself". It was more about who I am and how I relate to other personalities.
Side Note! Have you ever met someone that just annoyed the hell out of you and you didn't know why but they just do? Or you met someone that just cant stand you and you have no idea why, but they just do.
So once I learnt what personality I was and how I communicate, I began to work on becoming a
better communicator.
I learnt how to interact with people who had personality traits that were completely opposite to mine.
It most definitely affected my relationships, especially with my siblings. I now know why I used to annoy the hell out of them lol!! Live and learn baby, live and learn!
So I bet you'd love to know what personality type you are wouldn't you?
Firstly here's a short intro video where Marc talks about the personality test. Please watch it before you take the test: Marc Accetta Personality Test
Then go to this link and Take the Personality Test
After taking the test you'll get an explanation of all colours. The personalities are described and grouped as colours, which is genius to me, as it's so easy to remember and recognise who is who.
I love this subject. I make an effort to study it, using this amazing tool that Marc developed called "Living In Full Color" . When I think of how important it is to me to find ways to communicate effectively in life, relationships and business. I'm so grateful that I learnt these tools. Saying that Marc always reminds us that "You don't know what you don't know"
Keep on growing!!!
Please leave comments below, share this post and most importantly enjoy!!!
So the expression that's going round my head today is "What people think about you is none of your business".
That one was a puzzle for me for years. Of course they never come with an explanation. I guess that would defeat the point of figuring it out for yourself. But doesn't everyone like to be liked?
I had an interesting conversation with a friend as she relayed an incident between mutual friends who had a misunderstanding.
They decided that they couldn't stand each other. Even though they are both the sweetest people you'll ever meet.
The story got a bit playground, in the sense of "well! you don't like me so I don't like you either.
May I add that they are both GROWN people!

The thing that I kept wondering was, "so what if you don't like her and she doesn't like you?"
Aren't we big enough to take that on the chin now? I mean, you really have no control over whether someone likes you or not. At some point in life you have to decide that people need to take you or leave you as you are and be comfortable, even happy in that.
My mentor +Marc Accetta says "Whether you like me or not is your choice, whether you respect me or not is mine!" What does he mean by that? Well it's simple really, be a respectful person, a person of integrity among other things.
Marc is an very successful entrepreneur, international speaker and trainer. I feel so blessed to be learning from him.
So with +Marc Accetta as a mentor I've learnt too many things to share right now. What I will share tonight was a HUGE catalyst, that created a paradigm shift which changed my life. It's all about personalities. I took a very simple personality test. The point of this test was not to "find myself". It was more about who I am and how I relate to other personalities.
Side Note! Have you ever met someone that just annoyed the hell out of you and you didn't know why but they just do? Or you met someone that just cant stand you and you have no idea why, but they just do.

better communicator.
I learnt how to interact with people who had personality traits that were completely opposite to mine.
It most definitely affected my relationships, especially with my siblings. I now know why I used to annoy the hell out of them lol!! Live and learn baby, live and learn!
So I bet you'd love to know what personality type you are wouldn't you?
Firstly here's a short intro video where Marc talks about the personality test. Please watch it before you take the test: Marc Accetta Personality Test
Then go to this link and Take the Personality Test
After taking the test you'll get an explanation of all colours. The personalities are described and grouped as colours, which is genius to me, as it's so easy to remember and recognise who is who.
I love this subject. I make an effort to study it, using this amazing tool that Marc developed called "Living In Full Color" . When I think of how important it is to me to find ways to communicate effectively in life, relationships and business. I'm so grateful that I learnt these tools. Saying that Marc always reminds us that "You don't know what you don't know"
Keep on growing!!!
Please leave comments below, share this post and most importantly enjoy!!!