Wednesday, 10 November 2010

simple but not easy?

Well this week, my life has been dramatic.  I had to pull some stuff out of my magic bag! Think outside of the box! With each new problem in order to drown out the monkey mind I shouted "BE SOLUTION CONCIOUS WOMAN" Was it easy?  
Hell to the no! Was is simple? On reflection yes.  
Could I have avoided them?  Some of them definitely.  However some of them were just be what I call life challenges and they forced me to get creative.  I'm taking responsibility to be that higher she! but guess what?  Doest that mean I need to create my future? 
To be creative now in the moment? So in fact I need those challenges, lifes legitimate  challenges.  How simple is that? Is it easy? It can be!

"Everyone thinks that the principle thing to the tree is the fruit, but in point of fact the principle thing to it is the seed"
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche