Friday, 19 June 2020

When ALL AROUND ME is Madness.....

All around me is madness.....
The World definitely feels that way in the last 3 months.  It feels like we are in one of those weird independent movies that wins festival awards and I watch it and think WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ABOUT!!

I feel like we'll all look back at this crisis, pandemic, whatever you choose to call it and ask WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT! 
Let's not get started on the different theories about what is actually going on in the world and that we are but extras in the crazy movie.

NOPE not even going to touch that at ALL.
What I will share is my experience of the last 3 months, when it felt and still feels like the World was going Bat Shit Crazy. Yes that is my official labeling of this situation.

Like billions of people all around the globe this incredible storm came out of nowhere and it just raged. It had these crazy winds that destroyed countries, peoples livelihoods. It had massive waves that drowned whole communities, wrecked families. And no, we were definitely not all in the same boat.  It drove me crazy when people would say "Well we're all in the same boat" aahhh NO NOPE NO.

About these boats we're all in, some of us are in luxury yachts, some in sail boats, some boats had holes and some of us don't even have boats, we had makeshift rafts, made of anything we could find.
So no, no way, were or are we all in the same boat.

So what did I experience? It's been a roller coaster really and not a fun one. Besides the fact that roller coasters do not equal fun in my view of the world anyway.

Suddenly school, business/work, entertainment, ALL FREAKIN LIFE happened in our home.  My home went from, a place I love to work from, to return to when I travel and our sanctuary to becoming THE CAVE.  I was trapped in THE CAVE with my 12yr old cub and his auntie.
To be fair we turned out be the most amazing company for each other as we adapted to this new lock-down life

My initial reaction was kinda silly because I work from home anyway but that shows the 1st trick my mind played on me. I'm still working from home but because now it was mandatory it became a problem, something I resisted. 

Then came what I dubbed "Zoomlife" not only was EVERYTHING happening at home EVERYTHING happened online.  For the 1st 2 or 3 weeks I was online all day everyday and I felt like I was sucked into screen life 24/7.

What a blessing that I am surrounded be growth folk. Yeah I guess I'm just making up my own words lately. I'm being creative right?
So, who are these "growth folk"?  They are my peer group, my peeps, my ride or dies, my soul familia. They don't follow any status quo, they ask powerful questions, they live life with and on purpose and we keep each other up, empowered, stretching, laughing.

We arranged calls where we worked on building our businesses, fitness classes, sharing our skills and knowledge, book clubs, cash flow games, calls to stay connected with each other regardless of where we live in the world not even limited by time zones. They feed my very soul. 

We shared content we had learned that ended up helping us navigate the Bat Shit Crazy and kept our compelling visions of our future at the forefront of our minds.
We reminded each other to live in gratitude, find the blessings, find something, anything that you could feel good about and on the days when you just thought, "please can I just get off this ride, sit in the corner of my room and drink a rather large glass of red wine", someone was there to lift me up again.

I'm telling you without this circle of people, without mi gente, I would have had a very different experience of this crazy storm.
I say all that to say this....
Please protect yourself, select who's around you. Take stock of who you are and who's you are.
The people around you either make life better, give you more good energy or they make life worse and drain you with their toxic ways and words.
Which just makes an already bad situation so much worse.

Who are you? and Who's are you?

Until the next post/time Happy Growth Games.

Please leave comments below, share this post and most importantly enjoy!!!

#learnsharegrow #growthgames #lifelessons #launica #beyourauthenicself