You know how you can know or understand something intellectually and then something happens that gets you to feel and understand that something on a whole different level?
The something I felt and understood was all about the power of energy. My energy, other peoples' energy.
I don't just mean when you wake up and life is great and the sun is shinning and you feel everythings' going your way and your energy feels high. That's too easy.
I'm talking about when It's all going pear (meaning very wrong). Dispite it all you manage to connect with your hopes, dreams, gratitude, and get energy from those things and feel betterish, maybe. Until you meet up with Debbie downer and you're right back where you started, sad!
Still not with me? Its all good! Here's the story.
I went to a 3 day at a seminar in Madrid, Spain. I was with 2500 very excited, fun, like minded people. Getting their "personal development on".
I was there as an Ambassador for the event, which I was so excited about. It was an honor for me, to be participating in this particular life changing seminar, on such an high level.
So on Thursday, we arrived in Madrid after sleeping 3hrs and went straight into training but no regualr training a Tony Robbins principles style training. A you are at the cause of your life, lets take a look style training.
It filled me up so much, re-energised me that I forgot how tired I was.
I had very odd moments of feeling like my eyes were glazing over and I would crash at anytime. Then I would sit up and engage with my peers and in the content being taught by our amazing trainer Sara Thompson and it was like a shot of adrenaline.
The Ambassadors that I was a part of, were a team of 21 amazing people from Europe, Asia, Africa and USA. We were from different backgrounds and obviously cultures. The main thing we had in common was our readiness to step up with real servant leadership. As we supported the amazing teams running the event. We were scyked to put it mildly.
We were the first in the venue at 8am and the last out at 9 or 10pm. I was like an energiser bunny the whole time. Why? Well that's what happens when you are surrounded by super positive, super energetic, like minded people who are high on life. Drivin by their visions to create their life with and on purpose. 2500 of them you could'nt help but feel amazing right? absolutely! I feel my energy lift just talking about it. Remembering the moments of clarity, breakthrough, powerful conversations, belly laughs, insights and pure fun.
This is where it gets funky but fun depending on your personality;-) On Sunday day, the 3rd and final day of the event, I'm up at 3am in the morning hugging porcelain. A horrible case of food poisoning. Whatever I ate, was being violently rejecting and ejected from both ends of my body.
In the morning (the time to "get up and at em") my only focues were to, keep hydrated, not throw up and being close to a toliet. We jumped in a cab and were at the venue at 8am. Just being around the team I began to feel better. Then we did some energy exercises, massages, movement, getting the blood flowing and before I knew it I was laughing and dancing. Yes dancing!
Considering just an hour before I was sprawled out on the bed, feeling weak and empty,waiting for my roommates to get ready.
I am now more than ever, so very aware of my state and my energy. I experienced my energy being, affected and lifted despite physical illness. I was not only lifted but throughout a whole day I felt energetic, happy, able to participate fully in the event and in my duties as an Ambassador for the event. "Captain Energy" won the day. Yes! I did have a few power naps. Yes! I was afraid of food all day lol! and was in bed by 10pm that night.
The next day was my free day. I wondered around as a tourist in the beautiful city of Madrid. Met friends and yes great food was eaten. By that point hunger was greater than fear of food ;-).
I take this lesson with me daily and the event was last weekend. I can energise, lift my state, and people around me help me do that too. Who's around you, lifting you?
Thank you Sara Thompson and the amazing Ambassador team.
I'll leave you with this message that a friend posted on facebook and it sums and wraps it all up beautifully :-)
The something I felt and understood was all about the power of energy. My energy, other peoples' energy.
I don't just mean when you wake up and life is great and the sun is shinning and you feel everythings' going your way and your energy feels high. That's too easy.

Still not with me? Its all good! Here's the story.

I was there as an Ambassador for the event, which I was so excited about. It was an honor for me, to be participating in this particular life changing seminar, on such an high level.
So on Thursday, we arrived in Madrid after sleeping 3hrs and went straight into training but no regualr training a Tony Robbins principles style training. A you are at the cause of your life, lets take a look style training.
It filled me up so much, re-energised me that I forgot how tired I was.
I had very odd moments of feeling like my eyes were glazing over and I would crash at anytime. Then I would sit up and engage with my peers and in the content being taught by our amazing trainer Sara Thompson and it was like a shot of adrenaline.
The Ambassadors that I was a part of, were a team of 21 amazing people from Europe, Asia, Africa and USA. We were from different backgrounds and obviously cultures. The main thing we had in common was our readiness to step up with real servant leadership. As we supported the amazing teams running the event. We were scyked to put it mildly.
We were the first in the venue at 8am and the last out at 9 or 10pm. I was like an energiser bunny the whole time. Why? Well that's what happens when you are surrounded by super positive, super energetic, like minded people who are high on life. Drivin by their visions to create their life with and on purpose. 2500 of them you could'nt help but feel amazing right? absolutely! I feel my energy lift just talking about it. Remembering the moments of clarity, breakthrough, powerful conversations, belly laughs, insights and pure fun.

In the morning (the time to "get up and at em") my only focues were to, keep hydrated, not throw up and being close to a toliet. We jumped in a cab and were at the venue at 8am. Just being around the team I began to feel better. Then we did some energy exercises, massages, movement, getting the blood flowing and before I knew it I was laughing and dancing. Yes dancing!
Considering just an hour before I was sprawled out on the bed, feeling weak and empty,waiting for my roommates to get ready.
I am now more than ever, so very aware of my state and my energy. I experienced my energy being, affected and lifted despite physical illness. I was not only lifted but throughout a whole day I felt energetic, happy, able to participate fully in the event and in my duties as an Ambassador for the event. "Captain Energy" won the day. Yes! I did have a few power naps. Yes! I was afraid of food all day lol! and was in bed by 10pm that night.
The next day was my free day. I wondered around as a tourist in the beautiful city of Madrid. Met friends and yes great food was eaten. By that point hunger was greater than fear of food ;-).
I take this lesson with me daily and the event was last weekend. I can energise, lift my state, and people around me help me do that too. Who's around you, lifting you?
Thank you Sara Thompson and the amazing Ambassador team.
I'll leave you with this message that a friend posted on facebook and it sums and wraps it all up beautifully :-)
Please leave comments below, share and enjoy!!!