I'm mostly calm, smiley and positive. I avoid, dodge and run from drama as well. I'll tell you the main reason I'm that way, I believe that life will always bring you, what I call "legitimate problems", so there is no need for me to go out and create extra.
In fact, If I'm living in joy, laughter and positivity most of the time, I can normally handle the "legitimate problems" when they come along.
So on my weekend without my son (I have joint custody of my cub) I abstained from life, for two whole days. It was me, my sofa, leftovers and Arrow tv series. (Side note: I love anything with Marvel, DC Comics and Manga origins). Yes! I watch 2 seasons of it. I felt like I was just too tired to deal. So I pushed the timeout button.
Now normally, pushing the time out button, comes with guilt, judgement and criticism.
"Wait a minute" I hear you say, I thought you were on your own? Exactly!
I don't know If you figured it out yet but sometimes your biggest judge and critic is you.
That they didn't show up this time, I definitely noticed and it took me by surprise.
I knew I had to start thinking of solutions. This was no time to hide. Now that I think of it, it felt like I regrouped.
After my two day timeout it was time to pull
some stuff out of my magic bag! Time to think outside of the box, as they say. At this point I wanna throw away the box, cause that "in box thinking" got me here in this mess.
I'm looking at each problem without judgement or criticism.
It's time to be solution conscious woman! (I tell myself) Time to ask powerful questions. Is it easy? Hell to the no! Is it simple? Actually yes it is.
I have avoided some of these problems? Some of them definitely! Saying that, some of them are just life in it's flow I think. These challenges, they force me to get
creative. To really grow. I'm the one telling the universe every day that, I'm the Higher She, a higher version of myself. Maybe problems are the universe saying to me, "prove it lady" "show me what you got"
I'm taking responsibility to be that higher she! but guess what? Doest that mean I need to create my future? To be creative right now in each moment? So in fact I need these challenges, life's legitimate problems. How simple is that?
The truth tends to be right!
The main thing I'm mindful of is my reactions. I totally have the urge to have a tantrum and throw things, but what difference would it make?
When I did that as a teenager I still had to tidy up after the storm and now as an adult I still have to.
So I just cried a little. I think it released my feelings of frustration. Then I took a some deep cleansing breaths. I smiled, at the realisation of who I am now it times of trouble. Then I made a cup of Rooisbos tea and wrote this all down.
This too shall pass, It always does :-)