Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Staying On Track

Staying on track. Recently I felt a new understand the expression that says something about, "Keeping you head will all around you people are losing theirs"

For me it's not so much keeping my head but keeping my focus and my peace, while people around me are stressed, depressed or just pissed off.

I prepare myself in the morning with an hour of personal development before my son wakes up and our daily routine begins.
That's the plan but it doesn't always work out that way:p

I read insperational material before we leave the house and it ground me before I go out.

I love my life and I'm blessed with a loving suppotive familly and empowering loving friends.
Saying that sometimes it's hard for people to understand my journey and why I make the choices I make.
I love them anyway and realize that their life is seen and lived through their own pepsonal filters, and values. I'm learning to be more aware of and see things from their perspective.

I have my head firmly glued in the book, How To Win Friends And Infulence People.

I avioded reading it for a long time because I made assumptions about the contents of the book based ob the title and my perception.
OMG was I ever mistaken.
Every chapter, every page is absolute gold that is helping me learn to listen, communicate and understand people better. What a wonderful thing to learn. To be a better me. It's not easy but it's soooooo worth it.

So that's how I stay on track, I read great books. I listen to audios from great personal development speakers and attend seminars, with great people:)

I stay connected with positive like minded people who understand and support me in achieving my dreams and goals and I laugh a lot, at life at myself at the moments I find myself in;)

I keep my goals in the for front of my mind and life.
I just keep on Keeping on.

Truly Blessed And Highly Favoured:)