T Harv Eker, what a master of personal development.
Two weekends ago I did The Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar and life has not been the same.

I met some wonderful new friends. Reconnected with other friends who I hadn't seen for too long .
I made a concious decision to keep these people in my life. To be constantly surrounded by people who not only understood and supported my learning and growth but also recommend useful peer groups, books and seminars that would facilitate that.
I am SO grateful for this journey of learning and creating my life by design rather than default.
And the Magic, well the magic has been happening everyday since attending Millionaire Mind Intensive. The magic of taking action. The magic of putting learnings to everyday use. The magic of like minded people.
If you don't know who the master T Harv Eker is;Read this book.
Secrets Of A Millionaire Mind
When the student is ready, the master appears ~ Buddhist Proverb
T Harv Eker in action