Sunday, 19 October 2014

Little distractions! Little cares, Cups a tea ;-)

OMG!! Incredible! I have happily recovered from the flu. Health feels sooooooo fabulous!

As I was ill, I missed a week of working (I work from home). I missed that weeks blog post and in general a lot of things piled up. 
Not to mention laundry, ironing and general house stuff. (My Mummy hates when I say the word "Stuff"), so just for Mummy aka +Patricia Murphy general housework and other things piled up ;o)

Anyway!, as the days went by and I tried to catch up with everything, I found myself in full swing, Anime (Manga/Marvel) watching, Facebook commenting/sharing, Tweeting (yeah, this is social media marketing) BS!!! PROCRASTINATION!!! THE HORROR!!!     DA DA DAA!!!
Well I caught myself, AAHHHA!! and put on the "put Evette back on track tool" and decided to blog about it too. Two birds One stone, procrastination DEAD!! For Now!!;o)
Oh what's the tool? The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

The main lesson I've taken from reading this book and listening to the audio book, over and over and over and over again. (Yes that many times!) Is this, "The Slight Edge" is always affecting my life, whether I acknowledge it or not.  It's a natural law, like gravity.  You might think you're all clever and don't believe in gravity but if you jump up really high, gravity will pull you down regardless. My point is this, in my procrastination, all these little things were piling up and just became more and more for me to sort out.  They didn't just disappear because I chose to ignore them.  So one of "The Slight Edge" philosophies I'm working on right now, today, is completion. Taking one task at a time (ignoring that silly super woman, who wants to multitask, make it hectic and in the end wear herself out) Not listening to that crazy lady. Not today anyway ;o)

So I'll finish one task at a time and at the end of the day, I'll face the woman in the mirror and write down everything I've done. Maybe even reward her with a glass of Merlot :o)
When I think about it, I'm looking forward to my "what you got done today list". I've never liked, my ever growing, difficult to complete "EVER" in my lifetime, "Things to do list". 
Of course there are many more principles to learn, implement and grow within "The Slight Edge" philosophy but for today I pick that one ;o)

Be Kind to You! "Easy to do! Easy not  to do"! "The Slight Edge" ;-)

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