Thursday, 9 July 2020

Why Worry About it?

There's a lot of talk about worry, anxiety, stress and fear.
I had a conversation with a friend who grew up in Liberia who said "Stress was a word he learnt here" People didn't get stressed back home when he was growing up. They would say they were tired.

The way the modern world seems to be now it's it's filled with expectations.
What you must have, should do ought to be.

Let's not forget social media. That world of people showing you the best parts of their lives, those filtered moments of #lifestyle, #relationshipgoals, #winning.
Throw in some kids, a relationship with another adult and their expectations in the mix and of course it's crazy town.

Apparently not just in the modern world but it seems instinctively we worry about the possibility of things going wrong. I've read before that because our brains are wired to protect us, we tend to look for things that could go wrong in order to avoid them.
That sounds crazy doesn't it?
As if there aren't enough legitimate problems/challenges you'll have to deal with, your brain is just scanning for possibilities.
No thanks brain. I'm gonna have to take over.

I believe that's we're the power of mindfulness comes in. Our capacity to override the programming the automatic the instinctive.

Remember what we focus on expanse.
Meaning we get more of what we put our attention on.
Ever had a morning where you got up late, split your coffee, had to go change, missed the train and as you sit on the train you just keep thinking of the little shit going wrong. How long do you take that with you throughout the day before you get distracted by other thoughts, something funny or you just shake it off?

I heard someone say this and it stuck  with me, "worrying is like praying for something that you don't want to happen"
I'm guessing if you're a person who believes in the power of prayer it would make sense not to use that power for worry. 

So how about some instead of worry "life-hacks". As Taylor Swift says "Shake it of".  
Firstly physically move yourself to change your state from worry to something else.
Play your favorite dance tune, go for a walk or a run, leave the place situation that's causing you worry. Walk away.

Next what can you focus on?
What else can you choose to focus on.
Choice is our magic dust of life.
Yes shit happens but how long will you focus on the shit that happened this morning, last Tuesday, 3 yrs ago?
Right in that moment of worry, what small thing can you focus on that feels better than worry, that shifts your attention.

And the last thing you can choose is your language.
What are you saying to yourself?
It's all going pear shaped today (meaning it's all going horribly wrong).
What if you used my all time favorite thing to say to myself, "Everything is always working out for me"
My other favorite is to sing the chorus of the Pharrell song Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy.

You can't help but feel better.
Remember you can always choose.
Yes we get hurt and our hearts break but we can choose if we suffer.

Yes this pandemic has been hell for some of us but we can choose to search for even the smallest blessings.

That one thing that's going your way, that one person who you can call.
That one memory that makes you smile and think of better days.

Because the only way through is through.

Until the next post/time Happy Growth Games.

Please leave comments below, share this post and most importantly enjoy!!!

 #whatyoufocuson #growthgames #learnsharegrow #lifelessons 
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