I'm sure you've had one of those weeks where it seems like so much is being thrown at you all at once.
You feel like you're putting out fires all day every day and at the end of the day you need that calming glass of Merlot as you unravel yourself.
You feel like you're putting out fires all day every day and at the end of the day you need that calming glass of Merlot as you unravel yourself.
Well, I'm in the middle of one of those weeks and my mantra is "just breath" then I smile.
I'm telling you, it's totally working. When my blood is boiling and my heart is pounding and I feel the tension rising, I close my eyes, take a deep cleansing breath and smile.
I love it! I'm so grateful for my level of awareness these days, because when I return to a more peaceful state, I can think straight.
The woman that writes this blog today is a product of years of amazing books, seminars, mentors and like minded people who are on a similar journey of constant, personal growth and development.
It's always wonderful to remember how far I've come. So I always love to share a great book, audio, video or something that's relevant to what I'm talking about.
So to the rough road I smile and say "this too shall pass".
I love these videos from;
Oprah Winfrey´s Soul Series with Eckhart Tolle Part 1
Oprah Winfrey´s Soul Series with Eckhart Tolle Part 2
Oprah Winfrey´s Soul Series with Eckhart Tolle Part 3
Oprah Winfrey´s Soul Series with Eckhart Tolle Part 4
Oprah Winfrey´s Soul Series with Eckhart Tolle Part 5
Oprah Winfrey´s Soul Series with Eckhart Tolle Part 6
Oprah Winfrey´s Soul Series with Eckhart Tolle Part 7
Oprah Winfrey´s Soul Series with Eckhart Tolle Part 8
Oprah Winfrey´s Soul Series with Eckhart Tolle Part 9
Yes I just had to put all 9 links. Why not! It's amazing :-)
Remember that if Mummy's happy everybody's happy ;o)
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