So I lost my flow for a little. I'm referring to writing my weekly Blog. I made a commitment to myself, to consistently write a weekly Blog. I made that commitment for several reasons. To develop my love for writing, for sharing my personal development journey and lastly, but I think most importantly, to develop the habit of consistency. I don't know about you but consistency is an area of development for me. So I chose to work on it.
Side Note!: Commitment! It comes off as a heavily loaded word these days, and for so many reasons. This is my favourite definition though. Commitment; "Doing the thing you said you'd do, long after the feeling you said it in has passed".
MMMMNNNNN!! Easier said than done right? Or is it? Like everything, I really think it's about my perception. If I think it's easy, it is. If I think it's hard, it's hard and that's up to me. So I just decided to get back in the flow and it was easy. I literally stopped listening to my excuses and just started writing. It of course made sense to write about this.
I think the power, the magic whatever you want to call it is, making a decision followed by immediate action. My goodness I have heard and read and said that so many times and I still stumble. Took me 5 weeks to get here back in the flow.
The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
Here is an amazing TEDx Talks by the Pulitzer Prize winning writer Charles Duhigg.
It was incredible to learn how much of our actions are habits. I definitely recommend reading the book.
I'll end by saying this, if you do fall out of your flow, whatever you're flow is, whatever your commitment is. Don't freak out, be kind to yourself (it takes even longer to get back to it if you're busy giving yourself grief).
So don't SHOULD all over yourself ;-) Just remember to make a decision to get back on your flow and take immediate action. Trust me it feels good ;-)
Back in my flow!
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