Is it really that simple? Is everything I do, every action I take, really rooted in my beliefs? If I believe in bad luck, I'd manifest it, in someway or another because of my beliefs.
The first time I heard those principles, it really blew my mind. The lesson I learnt was this; my beliefs feed my thoughts, which fuel my actions, that then give me the life, the results I see/have. Tony Robbins (one of the greatest personal development, speakers, teachers and mentors), advices us to discredit the beliefs about yourself that don't serve us aka our limiting beliefs. So it's all about, what's going around and around in my head. You can if you think you can! But how do you change it? I love this Tony Robbins video I found on what I love to call YouTube Uni.
The first time I heard those principles, it really blew my mind. The lesson I learnt was this; my beliefs feed my thoughts, which fuel my actions, that then give me the life, the results I see/have. Tony Robbins (one of the greatest personal development, speakers, teachers and mentors), advices us to discredit the beliefs about yourself that don't serve us aka our limiting beliefs. So it's all about, what's going around and around in my head. You can if you think you can! But how do you change it? I love this Tony Robbins video I found on what I love to call YouTube Uni.
I'm so grateful for my journey of personal development and growth. It all started 2008 when my friend took me to a 2 day Christopher Howard event. I gotta say, it was really weird but I loved it all the same. All these people searching, for a way to learn more, be better, create wealth, lead a life, with and on purpose. It was certainly addictive to me. Then I went on to more books, videos, audios, YouTube Uni and seminars with, T Harv Eker, Les Brown, Tony Robbins, +Marc Accetta, Jim Rohn, +Matt Morris to name but a few, of my learning and growth mentors. For me the turning point, when I really began to implement what I was learning from the seminars and books etc, was when I surrounded myself with people who are on a similar journey.
It's not that we're trying to fix everything, we think is wrong with us but instead we're working and growing in order to unlock a greater version of ourself. I don't know about you, but that all gives me a great sense of power. That I can change my own programming. I'm the programmer, I know the code and all I have to do is programme new helpful, empowering positive beliefs. Some people would come to my home and think I was weird, with all the affirmations of greatness, abundance and wealth in every room, on the walls on the mirrors.
The thing is, according to the most prominent personal development mentors, speakers, authors and even psychologist agree that, we have been programmed and influenced from birth. Influenced by parents, teachers, people of authority, society. The only difference is now many people are choosing to deliberately re-programme themselves. To shift paradigms previously learnt, to choose our own lever of awareness, even levels of engagement. To participate in life rather than just spectate (which is so easy to do these days, in our voyeuristic society).
Here's one of my favourite belief can change my world videos. When you watch it you cant help but get fired up. It definitely changes my state. The fact of the matter is all these re-programing tools, the audios, videos, books and seminars are just like showering and eating, you have to do them everyday because otherwise you'll smell, be hungry and slip back into your old ways of believing, thinking and being. Trust me I've slipped the only difference is now my slips only lasts moments rather than days, months or years
I am a champion - the greatest speech ever.
You can't help but feel poweverfull after watching and saying that right!