I'm sitting next to a couple who seem like they're on their way home together. They're sitting next to me and they're both on Facebook. To be fair I only noticed them cause I have no signal or Wifi otherwise I would also be doing something on my phone.
As it is I'm writing a draft of this Blog Post, thanks to them.

Truth is we're so into our modern technology. Look up from your smart phone and look around. What do you see? Right!! Most people tapping away, swiping away. I'm not criticising at all, cause as I said the only reason I'm even writing this Blog Post is because I have no signal so I'm looking up from my phone. What a concept ;-)

I gotta be real and say I love my smart phone. I practically run my businesses from it. I pay my bills, I keep up with family and friends that live time zones away. It even let's me spend less time working at my laptop at home and gifts me more family time with my Cub aka 8yr old son. Here's the flip side.
Side Note: There's always a Flip Side
We hardly interact in public. Look up from your phone again! What do you see? Other people on their phones right?! I don't know about you but I love those spontaneous conversations with a stranger. They can turn out to be the most interesting conversations. Sometimes I meet the most wonderful person I've met all day, only if I look up. What's my point?
My point is in this world of isolation, misunderstanding, conflicts of so many kinds, it's more important than ever that we connect more with each other and no, not on social media, in person, face to face. Spend some time together and when we're together, please don't show me your clever Facebook posts. And how about we try and have a moment that we don't take a selfie of?
So it's not about throwing away your phone.
It's just about being mindful. Be present, just be aware of how much of your life you give to social media, to your smart phone and just engage again.
I think this video with Prince Ea pretty much sums it up for me.
Prince Ea is a powerful motivational spoken word artist from America
Can We Auto-Correct Humanity? https://youtu.be/dRl8EIhrQjQ
I think this video with Prince Ea pretty much sums it up for me.
Prince Ea is a powerful motivational spoken word artist from America
Can We Auto-Correct Humanity? https://youtu.be/dRl8EIhrQjQ
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Keep on growing!!! #learnsharegrow