Wednesday, 23 November 2011


I recently did a five day Madal Bal lemon detox.

Why detox??. 
I was feeling slugish in every way, energy, mind body and spirt, not good!!. 
Also, I just got back from an amazing five day break in Willtshire.  
Staying with a crazy group of friends in a tudor mansion hotel/house.  
Five days half board (breakfast & silver service dinner).  Deliciously, freshly prepared food by wonderful shefs, all for silly a price too. 
So when food is that good and free its rude to waste it or not eat all three courses at dinner, with wine.

 I got home and even though I was well rested and happy after my time away, something still wasn't right and that bottle of Madal Bal was still sitting on top of my Fridge going " what you wanting for an invite from the queen?". 
So Friday morning taking my son to school I thought f**k it, I'm gonna go get some lemons and do this deal:)  
Did I also mention that I couldn't fit into my favourite jeans:( not cool! 

Friday was tough!!! I mixed my Madal Bal natural tree syrup and was so weak after no breakfast or lunch that I fell asleep, was late to pick up my son early from school, so he missed his Capoeira class (HUGE DEAL). 
Had to make his dinner and not eat. WHAT THE HELL!!!! 
So I focused on the benefits. Yes I said benefits!!

  • More energized 
  • No more blotted belly 
  • Resting and healing my body especially my digestive system 
  • Total rehydration. duh!!! on 4 litters of water a day, no muss!! (of course)
  • Empowerment after achieving this goal 

Day two, Saturday and my son was staying with his Dad so I only had to be a loving human being until 12pm when his dad picked him up.  
Boy I really had to check myself, OFTEN!!!!!!  
Remember that line in a Bob Marley tune a hungry man is an angry man??? It's true!!!
But I did good! I kept it to myself, after all it was my choice to fast/detox, go without food for 5 days. 

The next 3 days OMG!! I had to be close to the toilet (4 lietres of liquids remember!!!)

Apart from that it was an eye opener, here's what I realized; 

  • I eat because I LOVE food, not because I'm hungry
  • I don't need to eat as much as I do
  • I don't drink as much as I should or could
  • I can go without food for 5 whole days and not die
  • I actually feel good;)
  • I have lots of energy, maybe, because my body wasn't using energy digesting food.
  • I have taste buds;)

Let me elaborate.... 
On day 4, I had to get out of the house.  So meet my friend my for tea, where? In the French pastery shop of course lol!! 
It's all good, by then I was into my liquids, so I had a green tea.  OMG!!! It was a taste sensation
NO LIE!!! Every inch of my tongue tasted that green tea.  It was amazing!!!

The Bonus that I didnt expect after such a short time. I fit into my jeans YEAH BABY;)
Five days to be too big for my jeans and five days to fit into them again. 
Isn't that interesting;)
So, after the five days I'm eating soups and salads. 
I made yummy home-made vegetable soup.

Energy level is high
Vibrations are high
I did a lot of planning, praying, meditating, reflecting and reading in those five days.  
Most importantly I grew!!! 
Out of a comfort zone.  
I left behind ideas and habits around food. 
Moving into The Higher She:)

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Staying On Track

Staying on track. Recently I felt a new understand the expression that says something about, "Keeping you head will all around you people are losing theirs"

For me it's not so much keeping my head but keeping my focus and my peace, while people around me are stressed, depressed or just pissed off.

I prepare myself in the morning with an hour of personal development before my son wakes up and our daily routine begins.
That's the plan but it doesn't always work out that way:p

I read insperational material before we leave the house and it ground me before I go out.

I love my life and I'm blessed with a loving suppotive familly and empowering loving friends.
Saying that sometimes it's hard for people to understand my journey and why I make the choices I make.
I love them anyway and realize that their life is seen and lived through their own pepsonal filters, and values. I'm learning to be more aware of and see things from their perspective.

I have my head firmly glued in the book, How To Win Friends And Infulence People.

I avioded reading it for a long time because I made assumptions about the contents of the book based ob the title and my perception.
OMG was I ever mistaken.
Every chapter, every page is absolute gold that is helping me learn to listen, communicate and understand people better. What a wonderful thing to learn. To be a better me. It's not easy but it's soooooo worth it.

So that's how I stay on track, I read great books. I listen to audios from great personal development speakers and attend seminars, with great people:)

I stay connected with positive like minded people who understand and support me in achieving my dreams and goals and I laugh a lot, at life at myself at the moments I find myself in;)

I keep my goals in the for front of my mind and life.
I just keep on Keeping on.

Truly Blessed And Highly Favoured:)  

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Know And Remember WHY!

Knowing and remembering why is one of the most important lessons I've learnt so far.

I had no idea how important it would be or how many times knowing why I want to achieve my goals would save me from ending up god knows where
Imagine you have a map of where you want to go but getting directions from your friend whose never been there mmmnnnnn

I've never lived my life as proactively or deliberately as I do now.
It's quite a rollercoster ride and I HATE rollercosters. Anything faster than a tea pot make me feel sick as a dog.

What does that mean anyway? Is a dog being sick the worst kinda sick a being can be? And who measured it anyway????!!!:P

So here and now, I'm creating my life by design, a higher me and financial freedom not just for myself but for my cub and my family. 

I want to rely on myself to be able to care for provide for ALL my cubs needs.   His health, education, fun, future and so much more.
I want to do that independently of my family or government assistance.
I want to leave a legacy of wealth creation and financial freedom for his children s children's children....
I want to be the great great grandmother that changes, transforms my families financial legacy.
I want to do what I want, with who I want, when I want and my choices never be limited by how much money we have or don't have.
I want to enjoy everything this amazing world has to offer.
I want to contribute towards making the kind of abundantly, blessed and prosperous world I want to live.

NEGATRONS: say whatever Evette, get a job, sort yourself out, stop dreaming those ridiculous dreams:(

EMPOWERTRONS: say AWESOME, remember those whys, make a plan, stick to the path, have a dream team, grow yourself, It's not easy but Its worth it:)

Now I spend pretty much everyday of every month with EMPOWERTRONS:). On the phone, in person, even on facebook.

When the going gets tough, sticky, icky, or just flipping scary,  I remember my WHYS.
I'm never gonna give up on my cub and my family so it energises me, gives me strength, makes me cry.

If your why don't make you cry, its not big enough. (Can't remember who said that, if you do leave a comment pls)

My mentor says people will always do more for other people than for themselves. Amazing! Beautiful too gives me hope for our human race:)

A speaker that inspires me when he talks about his why is Johnny Wimbrey.
Internationally renowned motivational speaker, mentored by Les Brown.

He has shared stages with Les Brown, Zig Ziggler, Jim Rohn and many other great speakers.

Johnny Wimbrey

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Don't Sweat It! Don't Worry! Don't Freak Out!

Easier said than done Right?!!!! 
Was having a conversation with a friend yesterday about this very thing.  We were talking about some of the challenges we where experiencing in life lately, and the thing I love about this friend is she didn't turn our conversation into a pity party.  You know those, why me? Wailing and bawling conversations (Nothing wrong with bawling) I love a good bawl sometimes, its cleansing I find.
Well she made a point that stuck in my head, about being responsible.  She made the decision a while back that she was going to take responsibility for every aspect of her life, yes every aspect.  Saying that there are moments when she has a little voice in her head (you know the voice) it says " BUT ITS NOT FAIR"  

I've learnt that the events, circumstances in my life are a big beautiful mirror reflecting who I am right here and now. MMMMNNNNN.  

Remember that tune anyone? Things that make you go MMMMMNNN.. MMMNN.. 
Lots of things in my mirror of life make me sing that song. The powerful questions for me are; What did I say, do, choose that brought this situation to me? What can I say, do, choose now to make things different? What does it all mean to me? How can I learn and grow from it? Where's the positive?  
I bet you too have had those moments when you think??!!! What bloody positive? There's none? I'm deep in it! its all around me!! and I can't see for it!!! What's it?!! Yep SHITE!!! Lol! 
When I'm in that place I breath, deeply, deliberately, consciously. I find the positive meaning (shite is wicked fertiliser for my growth;) I remember all the things and people I  have right now that I'm grateful for. I have a truthful chat with myself and answer my questions:

What did I say, do, choose that brought this situation to me? What can I say, do, choose now to make it different? What does it mean to me? How can I learn and grow from it? Where's the positive?
Then I step, dance, sing, smile into my life again.
Don't sweat the shite! It won't be there forever. 
I like to remember times when I felt so bad or lost and how if I think back to that time now it has no meaning, it wasn't a big deal! What was all the fuss about;)  
Don't wish for your problems to be smaller, wish you were bigger~Jim Rohn                              The Amazing Jim Rhon

                                                                    Grow you bigger~Me;)

Thursday, 26 May 2011


T Harv Eker, what a master of personal development.  
Two weekends ago I did The Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar and life has not been the same.  

I took a deep long look at my life, my habits, ideas and the roots of them and tore those babies out.  He also helped me plant some new seeds.  All this in a room of 12000 very excited very energetic positive people.  It was truly amazing.  

I met some wonderful new friends.  Reconnected with other friends who I hadn't seen for too long .  
I made a concious decision to keep these people in my life.  To be constantly surrounded by people who not only understood and supported my learning and growth but also recommend useful peer groups, books and seminars that would facilitate that.

I am SO grateful for this journey of learning and creating my life by design rather than default.

And the Magic, well the magic has been happening everyday since attending Millionaire Mind Intensive. The magic of taking action. The magic of putting learnings to everyday use.  The magic of like minded people.

If you don't know who the master T Harv Eker is;Read this book.
Secrets Of A Millionaire Mind

When the student is ready, the master appears ~ Buddhist Proverb
T Harv Eker in action

Wednesday, 23 March 2011



Não importa onde você parou….
Em que momento da vida você cansa
O que importa é que sempre é possivel e necessario Recomeçar
Recomeçar é dar uma nova chance a si mesmo….
E renovar as esperanças na vida e o mais importante.
Sofreu muito nessa periodo?  foi aprendizado
Chorou muito?  foi limpeza da alma..
Fico com raiva das pessoas?  foi para perdoá las um dia…
Sentiu-se só por diversas vezes?  é porque fechaste a porta até para os anjos…
Acreditou que tudo estave perdido?  Era o inico da tua melhora..
Pois é… agora e hora de reiniciar… de pensar na luz…
de encontrar prazer nas coisas simples de novo.
Um corte de cabelo arrojando diferente
Ou aquelo velho desojo de aprender pintar… desenher… dominar o computador…
Ou qualquer outra coisa…
Olha quanto desafio… Quanta coisa nova nessa mundão de dues te esperando.
Tá se sentindo sozinho? Besteira…
Tem tanta gente que você afastou com o seu “periodo de isolamento”…
Tem tanta gente esperando apenas um sorriso de você 
Quando nos trancamos na tristaza nem nos mesmos nos suportamos.. ficamos horriveis O mal humor vai comendo nosso figado atè na boca fica amarga.
Onde você quer chegar?  Ir alto.. Sonhe alto… queira o melhor do melhor..
Quiera coisas boas para a vida..
Pensando assim trazemos prá nos aquilo que desejamos..
Se pensarmos pequeno coisas pequenas teremos..
Já se desejarmos fortemente o melhor e pricipalmente lutamos pelo melhor…
O melhor vai se insatlando na nossa vida.
E é hoje o dia faxina metal
Joque fora tudo que te prende ao passado
Ao mundinho de coisas tristes.. fotos..peças de roupa, papel de bala.. Ingresos de cinema… bilhetes de viagens.. e todo aquela tranqueira que se guarda quando julgamos apaixonados…
Jogue tudo fora..
Mas principalmente esvazie sue coraço
Fique pronto para a vida.. para um novo amor..
Lembre-se somos apaixoáveis..
Somos sempre capazes de amor muitas e muitas vezes.
Afinal de contas, somos o Amor
Porque sou do tamanho daquilo que vejo e não do tamanho da minha altura

Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Who rubs off on you?

2011 has been an amazing year so far. The transformation continues and I realize that it will always be continuous. As is the nature of change.

My mentor often says "you gotta change the people around you, or change the people around you". I interprited that in two ways.

Firstly sorrund myself with like minded, possitive, successful people. People who enjoy life, who embrace learning and growing. People who have achived the things I want and are willing to share with me how the did it.  People who see the greatness in me even if I don't see it yet for myself.

Secondly as I learn, grow and transform, As I'm living up to my true potential I may inspire or influence people around me to take on life.

But quite frankly if I've got some negatrons in my life, I find it's best to distance myself from their energy.

I am blessed to have the first example. The people around me are succesul in various and often in every aspect of their lives.  They belive in me to the extent that they are willing to invest in my peorsonal growth which I find insperational.

If people around you encourage you and belive you to be great I truly believe that those beliefs will rub off on you.

Who rubs off one me?  These wonderful folks;o)

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Listening to Marcus Child "You can if you think you can" listening to uplifting, amazing speakers is a fabulous way to start my day! How did you start yours? Hope the rest is fab! Your choice;o)