Why detox??.
I was feeling slugish in every way, energy, mind body and spirt, not good!!.
Also, I just got back from an amazing five day break in Willtshire.
Staying with a crazy group of friends in a tudor mansion hotel/house.
Five days half board (breakfast & silver service dinner). Deliciously, freshly prepared food by wonderful shefs, all for silly a price too.
So when food is that good and free its rude to waste it or not eat all three courses at dinner, with wine.
I got home and even though I was well rested and happy after my time away, something still wasn't right and that bottle of Madal Bal was still sitting on top of my Fridge going " what you wanting for an invite from the queen?".
So Friday morning taking my son to school I thought f**k it, I'm gonna go get some lemons and do this deal:)
Did I also mention that I couldn't fit into my favourite jeans:( not cool!
Friday was tough!!! I mixed my Madal Bal natural tree syrup and was so weak after no breakfast or lunch that I fell asleep, was late to pick up my son early from school, so he missed his Capoeira class (HUGE DEAL).
Had to make his dinner and not eat. WHAT THE HELL!!!!
So I focused on the benefits. Yes I said benefits!!
- More energized
- No more blotted belly
- Resting and healing my body especially my digestive system
- Total rehydration. duh!!! on 4 litters of water a day, no muss!! (of course)
- Empowerment after achieving this goal
Day two, Saturday and my son was staying with his Dad so I only had to be a loving human being until 12pm when his dad picked him up.
Boy I really had to check myself, OFTEN!!!!!!
Remember that line in a Bob Marley tune a hungry man is an angry man??? It's true!!!
But I did good! I kept it to myself, after all it was my choice to fast/detox, go without food for 5 days.
The next 3 days OMG!! I had to be close to the toilet (4 lietres of liquids remember!!!)
Apart from that it was an eye opener, here's what I realized;
- I eat because I LOVE food, not because I'm hungry
- I don't need to eat as much as I do
- I don't drink as much as I should or could
- I can go without food for 5 whole days and not die
- I actually feel good;)
- I have lots of energy, maybe, because my body wasn't using energy digesting food.
- I have taste buds;)
Let me elaborate....
On day 4, I had to get out of the house. So meet my friend my for tea, where? In the French pastery shop of course lol!!
It's all good, by then I was into my liquids, so I had a green tea. OMG!!! It was a taste sensation
NO LIE!!! Every inch of my tongue tasted that green tea. It was amazing!!!
The Bonus that I didnt expect after such a short time. I fit into my jeans YEAH BABY;)
Five days to be too big for my jeans and five days to fit into them again.
Isn't that interesting;)
So, after the five days I'm eating soups and salads.
I made yummy home-made vegetable soup.
Energy level is high
Vibrations are high
I did a lot of planning, praying, meditating, reflecting and reading in those five days.
Most importantly I grew!!!
Out of a comfort zone.
I left behind ideas and habits around food.
Moving into The Higher She:)