Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Who rubs off on you?

2011 has been an amazing year so far. The transformation continues and I realize that it will always be continuous. As is the nature of change.

My mentor often says "you gotta change the people around you, or change the people around you". I interprited that in two ways.

Firstly sorrund myself with like minded, possitive, successful people. People who enjoy life, who embrace learning and growing. People who have achived the things I want and are willing to share with me how the did it.  People who see the greatness in me even if I don't see it yet for myself.

Secondly as I learn, grow and transform, As I'm living up to my true potential I may inspire or influence people around me to take on life.

But quite frankly if I've got some negatrons in my life, I find it's best to distance myself from their energy.

I am blessed to have the first example. The people around me are succesul in various and often in every aspect of their lives.  They belive in me to the extent that they are willing to invest in my peorsonal growth which I find insperational.

If people around you encourage you and belive you to be great I truly believe that those beliefs will rub off on you.

Who rubs off one me?  These wonderful folks;o)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l94_yV8dEzo

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