Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Positivity and Transcendence or Denial and Avoidance

It's here everyone 2014!!
I know some people were glad to see the back of 2013 for different reasons.

C'est la vie!!

So here we are!! New beginnings and everyone is uber positive and full of the possibilities of a New Year.  It's a massive do over ;-)
Being Positive! I always see it as a good thing.  I am Missy Optimism, always look on the bright side of life.  Not just in January but the other 11 months of the year too.
                                                           That's just who I is ;-)

Don't get me wrong, I'm not Miss sunshine all the time, hell I'm a single mother and entrepreneur running two businesses, PTA, voluntary work etc etc etc, so I have my F**CK this S**T moments, days, weeks, months.
Sometimes I even let my inner Bitch speak her mind.
People are always surprised when she surfaces as it's rare but I don't believe in suppressing myself.
Side Note: I'm responding to not reacting to a particular situation and sometimes My inner Bitch is the correct response ;-)
You know it's true :-)

Anyways!! back to the point.
The point is, in all the books I read, the guided meditation, the power of positive thinking philosophy I live by, Am I naively ignoring the reality, of the crazy, messed up, psychopaths in charge world we actually live in?  Am I transcending my reality by focusing on the positive or am I in denial?
Avoiding the reality that we live in a "has the world gone mad" planet, that is messed up, on so many levels.  That on top of that, we are almost immune to the madness. Desensitised by media, movies and and the constant bombardment of modern day living.

A really good friend of mine sent me this documentary. After watching it I decided that it's important for me to be/stay positive but it's  important that I don't slip into avoidance of the real world we live in.
Take a look.
Tell me what you think about it.  Are you positivity and transcendence or In avoidance and denial? Or am I over simplifying it all?

Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition 

Written, narrated and audio editing by Bernhard Guenther
Visuals and video editing by Humberto Braga

Click Here to watch full Video 

This video sheds light into the nature of love, relationships, the “New Age” movement, reality-creation, quantum physics, objectivity vs. subjectivity and how it all relates to the topics of “conspiracy theories”, psychopathy, and the importance of self-work.

Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition has been selected as the #1 film 2011-2012 of the “Top 100 Global Development Movies”.

“The best positive, inspirational, thought-provoking movie of our times.”- RYB TV

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!! be abundantly blessed :-)

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The truth about you is....

The truth about you is this:
You are not "inferior" You are not "superior" You are simply "You" "You" as a personality is not in competition with any other personality simply because there is not  another person like you" 
Taken from the book Physco Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz.

I've been reading Physco Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz. 
I keep having the most incredible "OMG!! that's amazing", insightful moments as I read this incredible book and the above paragraph definitely sparked one of those moments.

This theme of, "Be Yourself because everyone else is taken", has been following me around a lately.
I've always been the black sheep, Missy Independent, Gypsy girl, not quite fitting into the Cliques.
I've accepted and grown to love who I am and have met other odd balls, crazy ones like me ;-)

My 6yr old boy is starting to experience that he's different too. 
He likes what he likes and has a very strong sense of himself (which I love).

People around me are talking about Independence, Self- realisation and the importance of being true to yourself.
The truth of the matter for me is that, I'm at my best when I'm being authentic.
However kooky she/me might be ;-)
If I think of the successful people I admire like Oprah, Marc Accetta, Maya Angelo, Richard Branson, they are authentically themselves.

So I decided to always be aware, to guide my son so he can save himself the bother and waste of time of conformity and be his fabulous self.

So here's to the Crazy Ones, who aren't afraid to be their fabulous-selves ;-)

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Get me through

It's so wonderful that when I'm grateful and open the universe sends me words, supporting, loving people and belly laughs to get me through.

These words by Les Brown found me and got me through. 

There comes a time in life when you have to come to a point in consciousness that you must make the difficult decision to let certain things go: a negative attitude that you know no longer serves you; a relationship where you are dying together, rather than growing together; an addiction that you know is destroying you and does not represent your highest good.

It takes courage to face the truth about who you are, the choices that you have been making in your life and to decide; that is just not me anymore. I can't do this anymore. I have had it.

It takes a level of self love, of dedication, and determination to live your greatest life. So, look within. Look at every area of your life and ask yourself the questions: Am I on course? Am I growing mentally, emotionally and spiritually? Anything that is blocking that, anything that is preventing you from living your greatest life, make the tough decision to let it go.

Life is about surrendering and releasing. Surrendering to the higher calling of your life and releasing all of the things, habit, and behaviors that no longer serve you. You have something special..... You have GREATNESS within you.

The one and only wonderful Les Brown

I thank you
I forgive you  
I love you  

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Hiding in plain site

That sounds like an oxymoron doesn't it? Hiding in plain site!

Well I get it intellectually, because there have been times when I'm in a room but not really present, my mind is somewhere else. 
Or I'm on the phone and someone is telling me something I've heard a a million times so I zone out.  
That's what I understood it to be until I saw it in: 
Full Glorious Technicolor

I was in a small interactive
group situation and saw someone "hide in plain site" They presented themself,  dressed, spoke, in one way and interacted and behaved in a totally different way.  It got to the point where their behavior was so in-congruent it annoyed me.  

Well! I work with an amazing Coach and Mentor  The Me Mastery Mentor +Kuumba Nia she is the author of The Circle of One and recently collaborated on an international best seller Success In High Heels

+Kuumba Nia always reminds me that my life and the people around me are a mirror, guess whoes? hmmmmmnnn. Yes! mine! Honestly I mostly love that principle but sometimes not so much love for it!  Here's why.  
It's great when the mirror shows me like minded eagles (loving that) BUT  There was a facet of that person that (who was hiding in plain site) I had to recognize in myself.  

I was going through some tough life challenges at the time, as we all do.  
I'm not big on talking about my challenges to others.  My M.O in the past was to hide in a corner of my life with the reasoning of "I'll deal with my shit myself thank you very much" and when I'm done dealing with it.  I'll come back and tell my close circle about it and they'll say OMG!! "why didn't you say anything"  Sound familiar?  I know it's not just me.  Why!!?? because part of my journey and my growth is to learn to ask for help, accept support and talk about difficult challenges.  Don't get me wrong it's not a windge, OH POOR ME conversation 
But there's defo some of this!
It's a, look!  I'm honoring an accepting the hurt, grief, pain, anger, disappointment I'm feeling in this moment/moments ;-)
This has been an awesome development for me for two reasons. 
Firstly I have an inner circle that I can have those conversations with and they will hug me and empower me to heal myself and that's sooooo totally cool! I love them even more for that.  
Secondly when I'm not acknowledging my those feelings that challenging life situations ALWAYS bring up I go out into the world with my "It's all good face on"!! but the pain gets bigger and bigger and I say IT'S ALL GOOD louder and louder.  And guess what?Before I knew it, yes you guessed it! hiding in plain site. Not participating fully in my own life.
Sounds kinda silly when you say it out loud ;-p 

Side Note: Human beings are the ONLY species on this planet that will sit in our own shit, complain, analyse, cry WHY ME!! but refuse to move.

So, when I saw this person hide in our group situation, they reminded me of my area of development ;-) and I also realized Hmmmmm!! that's what it looks like in Full Glorious Technicolor !!!!! DAM!!!  

Life is full of things that make you go Hmmmmm 

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Remembering how far I've come

When I was a teenager I was a fiery chica (chic).
I was a "what have you lost in my face" if someone looked at me too long. 

I lived my life flowing, drifting on the breeze.  I travelled, I lived wherever in the world I wanted and wherever I lay my hat that was home. 
As for relationships it was like a all you can eat 247, 5star buffet. 
20 odd yrs later, I'm amazed I can say 20 odd yrs later and not feel strange, old or sad, Really!!! 
I loved that gypsy adventurer, that fiery, Aries,  no plans, "cause I just don't do details" lol!

But to now as the deliberate woman,  mother,  co-creator of my life, I realize how far I've come, how much further I'll go and that the wonderful journey of joy, abundance, love, experience, growth........???? goes on and on and on. as Erykah Badu says "I can't control the soul flowin' in me Ooh wee  ; ) 

PLAY :o) 

In a conversation with friends we commented on how so often we focus on where we want to get to, that we forget to appreciate how far we've come.

Take the time to big up yourself!! Cause if your moving, that's fab! if your moving in the right direction towards your goals and dreams, that's fab! if your working on you and growing that's fab! 
 Keep On Moving Soul 2 Soul Video