Or I'm on the phone and someone is telling me something I've heard a a million times so I zone out.
That's what I understood it to be until I saw it in:
Full Glorious Technicolor
I was in a small interactive
group situation and saw someone "hide in plain site" They presented themself, dressed, spoke, in one way and interacted and behaved in a totally different way. It got to the point where their behavior was so in-congruent it annoyed me.
Well! I work with an amazing Coach and Mentor The Me Mastery Mentor +Kuumba Nia she is the author of The Circle of One and recently collaborated on an international best seller Success In High Heels
+Kuumba Nia always reminds me that my life and the people around me are a mirror, guess whoes? hmmmmmnnn. Yes! mine! Honestly I mostly love that principle but sometimes not so much love for it! Here's why.
It's great when the mirror shows me like minded eagles (loving that) BUT There was a facet of that person that (who was hiding in plain site) I had to recognize in myself.
I was going through some tough life challenges at the time, as we all do.
I'm not big on talking about my challenges to others. My M.O in the past was to hide in a corner of my life with the reasoning of "I'll deal with my shit myself thank you very much" and when I'm done dealing with it. I'll come back and tell my close circle about it and they'll say OMG!! "why didn't you say anything" Sound familiar? I know it's not just me. Why!!?? because part of my journey and my growth is to learn to ask for help, accept support and talk about difficult challenges. Don't get me wrong it's not a windge, OH POOR ME conversation
But there's defo some of this! |
This has been an awesome development for me for two reasons.
Firstly I have an inner circle that I can have those conversations with and they will hug me and empower me to heal myself and that's sooooo totally cool! I love them even more for that.
Secondly when I'm not acknowledging my those feelings that challenging life situations ALWAYS bring up I go out into the world with my "It's all good face on"!! but the pain gets bigger and bigger and I say IT'S ALL GOOD louder and louder. And guess what?Before I knew it, yes you guessed it! hiding in plain site. Not participating fully in my own life.
Sounds kinda silly when you say it out loud ;-p
Side Note: Human beings are the ONLY species on this planet that will sit in our own shit, complain, analyse, cry WHY ME!! but refuse to move.
So, when I saw this person hide in our group situation, they reminded me of my area of development ;-) and I also realized Hmmmmm!! that's what it looks like in Full Glorious Technicolor !!!!! DAM!!!
Life is full of things that make you go Hmmmmm
So, when I saw this person hide in our group situation, they reminded me of my area of development ;-) and I also realized Hmmmmm!! that's what it looks like in Full Glorious Technicolor !!!!! DAM!!!
Life is full of things that make you go Hmmmmm
1 comment:
I so love your honesty Evette. It's true, hiding out in plain sight is one of the easiest things to do in this fast paced, technology reliant world. You can be friends with everyone, and yet friends with no-one; follow and be followed by thousands of people, and still find yourself alone. It's easy to lie to ourselves, and that's why it's essential that we pay attention to who shows up in our Circle. When we see them, we can see us. Thanks for telling the truth and showing up in glorious technicolor.
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