People are really something!! They very rarely surprise me anymore (older and wiser-ish) with what they do but what does surprise me more and more is what they'll put up with, in the name of DRAMA!!!!
I'm learning so much about myself and my old ways of thinking that it's made me hyper sensitive to the people around me.
The question lately has been; "Do they feed you? or feed off you?" "They" being my circle of friends.
You must have them too right?! Friends who you spend time with and they make you feel good. They're just great to be around and you feel energised when you leave them. I think they feed you right?! Then you have the others. It feels heavy to be around them and as they tell you all their wows they also add that "you don't understand" as you try to lift them up, out of the gloom to show them their power/the bright side, or whatever. (or is that just me and my over zealous self) I cant help it, I see the good in things and people, Most of the time!!
Anyway those friends definitely feed off you and I feel literally exhausted after being around them.
If I'm totally honest it's my fault for two reasons (the exhaustion I mean).
Firstly' sometimes when people are in that gloomy frame of mind they just want to talk, to be heard and don't want my empowering, personal development "see the blessing/lesson" bla bla bla...
Secondly, I become emotionally involved and before I know it I'm enabling that person to feed off me emotionally. Hell!! I give them a straw. ooooppphhhhh!!
I'm too old for that s**it!lol! ;-)
So I must remember, when around friends that feed me, enjoy and exchange the good vibes with them.
When with friends that feed off me nod, smile, limit the time and be aware of my energy. Am I allowing it to be taken? and DON'T HAND OUT STRAWS ;-p
I was listening to an Earl Nightingale recording once and heard a story of two friends.
Two friends went to buy the morning paper. One friend (let's call him Pete) was very friendly to the guy at the newsstand as he bought his paper but the guy was rude and unfriendly. Pete however still smiled and was friendly as he bought his paper and left.
As they walked on the other friend (Kelly) asked "why were you so nice to that guy he was so rude". Pete responded cheerfully "Why would I change who I am to match someone else's behaviour?"
Interesting huh!! A very good question! Why would you?
But at the same time Pete didn't exactly stick around and make friends with the rude guy.
So my lesson was/is to be mindful and protect my energy ;-)
The best book I ever Ever read and worked through (cause there's no point in just reading great books) that taught me not take on other peoples CRAZY anymore was The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.
Watch this short but wonderful introduction before you read the agreements below ok! :
Pretty powerful right?
Well so are You! ;-)
Me Facebook Twitter Instergram:evettelaunicafranklin
I'm learning so much about myself and my old ways of thinking that it's made me hyper sensitive to the people around me.
The question lately has been; "Do they feed you? or feed off you?" "They" being my circle of friends.
If I'm totally honest it's my fault for two reasons (the exhaustion I mean).
Secondly, I become emotionally involved and before I know it I'm enabling that person to feed off me emotionally. Hell!! I give them a straw. ooooppphhhhh!!
I'm too old for that s**it!lol! ;-)
So I must remember, when around friends that feed me, enjoy and exchange the good vibes with them.
When with friends that feed off me nod, smile, limit the time and be aware of my energy. Am I allowing it to be taken? and DON'T HAND OUT STRAWS ;-p
I was listening to an Earl Nightingale recording once and heard a story of two friends.
Two friends went to buy the morning paper. One friend (let's call him Pete) was very friendly to the guy at the newsstand as he bought his paper but the guy was rude and unfriendly. Pete however still smiled and was friendly as he bought his paper and left.
As they walked on the other friend (Kelly) asked "why were you so nice to that guy he was so rude". Pete responded cheerfully "Why would I change who I am to match someone else's behaviour?"
Interesting huh!! A very good question! Why would you?
But at the same time Pete didn't exactly stick around and make friends with the rude guy.
So my lesson was/is to be mindful and protect my energy ;-)
The best book I ever Ever read and worked through (cause there's no point in just reading great books) that taught me not take on other peoples CRAZY anymore was The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.
Watch this short but wonderful introduction before you read the agreements below ok! :
Pretty powerful right?
Well so are You! ;-)
Me Facebook Twitter Instergram:evettelaunicafranklin
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