Thursday, 25 December 2014

Feeling Merry looking Back!


Well, that went rather smoothly. That being Christmas lunch. The only slight hiccup was, that our guests went from 6 to 3 without warning and potential drama but we rolled with it. It's been a lovely day.
All done stuffing my face. My sister has gone for a walk and cub (my son) is glued to his new tablet.
So I thought I'd relax with a glass of sparkly stuff and fancy Christmas chocolate biscuits. There's always room for fancy biscuits right!!

I got an email last week from Caroline Shola Arewa. It took me awhile to get around to reading (today, a week later). Even so I'm really glad I did. Caroline Shola Arewas' work is all about energy. Living life in/with high energy.
That message really resonates with me. Especially as a person who naturally has high energy and was often told to slow down, clam down, chill... Thankfully I'm not around people like that anymore.  I'm now around people that love and celebrate my energy.  I've even achieved positions of responsibility and importance because of that energy.
Anyway the thing about Sholas' email I'd like to share with you was this; Appreciative Reflection. The idea is to celebrate your achievements, recognise the blessing and highlights of 2014.  I love this idea, Appreciative Reflection! Why not!
I see and hear so many people feeling sad, finding the faults of the year, and of this month. They just cant wait till it's over. 2014 was SHIT, they say as they reminisce about all the things that went wrong.  A very close friend died this month. She lost her battle against cancer. The thing about her was that even as she went into the hospice, just a few weeks before she died, she was filled with hope, positivity and the fun way she always looked at life.  She went straight through hell with a smile until she left us for the stars :-). .

Side Note! Human beings are the only animals who'll sit in their proverbial shit and not move. They'll be covered in it, complain how it stinks, how they know it's bad for them, how they can't move blah blah etc etc. Other animals shit and leave. hhhmmmmmm!!!

So back to the email I just read. Caroline Shola Arewa gave some wonderful questions to guide us through the process of Appreciative Reflection. Here they are;

Look back at 2014
1.     What have been your biggest achievements in 2014
2.     How have you evolved as a person?  -  Challenges, insights, vision, mission
3.     What were your magical highlights in 2014?
4.     Who and what are you most grateful for?
5.     Is there anything that no longer serves you and needs to be released?
Look forward into 2015
1. What is your main Vision and focus for 2015?
2.  What is your one big goal for 2015?
3.  Create a wellness commitment for 2015 
4.  What new skill do you need to develop in 2015?
5.  How will you be in greater alignment and service in 2015?

I'll be working through my questions once I'm done writing this.

I hope you had a fabulous Christmas however you spent your day.
Remember, don't look back in anger at 2014, look back in appreciation. You made through a whole year and that's not guaranteed.

R.I.P my lovely Josie Cichockyj.
You have been an inspiration to many in life. Your legacy of love, laughter, drive and determination will continue to inspire us.
A Simple Tribute:

Merry Christmas and an Abundantly Prosperous 2015

Please leave comments below, share this post and most importantly enjoy!!!  


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