Tuesday 17 July 2012

And for this I am truly Grateful....

I forgot to publish this one;p  Better late than never lol!!!

It's Spring and Spring is my element.  I'm a spring baby, hence my undying optimism I am often told.  As if there was something wrong with being optimistic.

Recently some friends of mine has been through some rough times.  I've been able to help.  Which I must admit felt great because they have helped me in the past and it feels good to be able to be on the giving side for a change.
It has humbled me greatly.  It made me think about giving and receiving and how often as a modern women I want to do everything myself.   If it's broke, I'll fix it!! If I need it I'll buy it! if I'm in need I sort it out and tell you about it once I'm done mmmmmnnnn sound familiar?

I am sooooo blessed to have amazing family and friends how love and support me but I sometime forget to use that support system,  I don't mean use as in take advantage of. I mean use as in let them help, support and love me.  Life is too short.  I was not put on this planet to be a one woman show.  We are a theatre of charaters, personalities, opinions and dreams.  If we dont stay conected we miss so much of lifes sweetness.

So busy doing that we dont feel, So busy thinking that we dont see, So busy planning that we dont live.

The more I listen, read, learn and grow, the more I realize I dont know.  That excites me, makes me feel that life is always challenging me as I challenge myself and for that I am truly grateful

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