Of course the Higher She wants an exceptional Higher He;)
It's all wonderful, I mean this guy is ticking all the boxes, hell!! he's ticking boxes you never knew you wanted ticked.
I did say he's exceptional.
It's a wonderful sunny day in paradise but is it? I get a feeling something has to be wrong with it!
It's all too good to be true!!!
I hear that a lot in my business "It's too good to be true", as if being "too good" was a problem, a negative.
Go figure!!
Anyway back to the point. I go digging for problems.
Life has a way of giving you exactly what you ask/search for.
Found me some prize problems.
So there I am, like a scene from a movie called Dragon, it's about Bruce Lee's life.
In the scene he's in a mirrored room facing his demon and the glass starts breaking in different places. He then fights his demon.
It's me in that mirrored room, facing my dug up problem, my relationship demon, basically!!! my dumb arse habits that do not and will never serve me in being part of a happy, loving, harmonious couple.
The wonderful thing, about a life's journey of learning and personal growth is it is continuous and it affects all aspects and areas of life.
If I want different results I have to do things differently.
Definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"
So we look at the (dug up) problem together in a calm and loving way. We move forward and peace and blue skies return to paradise.
The lessons learnt?? oohhh yes!!!
Be aware of the demon, the crazy habits that show up when in intimate relationships.
This isn't about being with a perfect man in some perfect relationship. For me it's about being with someone who loves who I am right now.
Someone who understands the importance of my journey. Someone who's also on his own journey and together or trips, will be EXCEPCIONAL (EXCEPTIONAL!!)
Be Water my friend ~ Bruce Lee
Scene from Dragon, Bruce fighting his demon
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